
miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2016

Installation node Modbus TCP Node Red

In the search for attachable communication protocols Node-Red I found thanks to the collaborative development a library or nodes for communication Modbus TCP IP, the following tutorial is indicated as installing the nodes in lubuntu (Ubuntu).

Previous tutorials Recommended
Tutorial 1 : Install Lubuntu (Ubuntu)
Tutorial 2 : Installation node red platform
Tutorial  3 :  Installation Node Red Dashboard

This library   node-red-contrib-modbustcp  was created by  Jason D. Harper  was based on the jsmodbus library, this library allows our Node-Red server is configured as master Modbus TCP, it contains 2 nodes one reading and one writing .

 - your user linux -  /node-red/node_modules/
npm install node-red-contrib-modbustcp

Reading from Master (Node Red) to Slave

Writing from Master (Node Red) to Slave

Complete Video  Install Modbus TCP IP in Node Red

                                              Complete Video  Test Modbus TCP IP in Node Red

Ready to have fun ...

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