I have seen many examples of how to control the Arduino remotely but require excessive settings and when using either ethernet LAN or WLAN communication in most examples only works on a local network or intranet.
It tryied a simple way to control using the IRC Chat forgotten and implement it in the ESP8266 module.
The IRC is simple communication since communication is performed between clients, the server is on the network and data values or specific characters sent automatically handles routing.
Explanation of application
1. In this test the ESP8266 module performs the IRC connection to an IRC server, the room defined using a Nickname.
2. using in this case an IRC client android I connect to the same server and the same room with another nickname and retransmits the module received by the serial port.
3. The Arduino Mega 2560 Just print characters received in the Oled display and performs the activation of inputs and outputs
Arduino Mega 2560
Display Oled 128 x 64 I2c
ESP8266 - 01
To make this project requires read before the following:
Arduino y Oled 128 x 64 Terminal serial
Esp8266 como cliente IRC
Important note:
In this case it is only control from any client IRC is the only ESP8266 receives, in this test is not yet implemented the ESP8266 send messages, although perform the test and working properly.
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